The Most Common Homework Excuses

When it comes to excuses about missing homework, most teachers have heard a lot from elementary and high school students. From animals eating their assignments to out-of-this-world scenarios, students give many explanations for why they cannot submit their work. Believe it or not, adult learners also have their share of justifications. The difference is that…

5 Advantages of Homework You Should Remember

Homework has been much maligned for quite some time. The arguments against it, however, have grown even stronger these last few years. Some sectors in society are promoting the importance of a school-life balance, similar to how businesses do the same for their employees. Although there are valid points against it, parents and students must…

The Origins Of Homework And Its Importance To Students

Google has it that Roberto Nevilis created schoolwork as a method of rebuffing his languid understudies. The story has it that it was around 1905. This was to strip children and adolescents of their dazzling Italian night and ends of the week. Respectable Romans, middle-age priests and logicians, and the nineteenth-century head honchos had a…

Free Homework Help: How to Stop Procrastinating and Do It Now

Putting things off until it is too late or almost too late is a habit. The brain does not like dealing with tasks it considers boring and tedious. Of course, you cannot become enthusiastic about your homework overnight (or ever!). This however should not hamper your growth as a student. You just need to learn…

How To Get Trustworthy Answers To Economics Homework: Useful Directions

There are times when you will need a little extra help with your homework. Economics is one of the harder classes for most students. When they are in class and the instructor is going over the information, they may understand the concepts. But when they get home and have to apply the concepts on their…